John Durham exposes the whole anti-Trump caper

Will those responsible be held accountable? Fat chance

john durham
John Durham (Ron Sachs/Consolidated News Pictures/Getty)

Well, well, well. That is to say, I told you so. Finally, at last, it was about time, scary-looking special counsel John Durham has delivered his report on the stinking, corrupt, lying, no-good partisan machine that is the FBI and the Department of Justice. Just as I and the rest of the non-Hillary commentariat told you, what he showed was that the Deep State’s investigation into possible collusion (remember that once-ubiquitous word?) between Donald Trump and the Russkies was a partisan witch hunt fabricated by Team Hillary. 

The report is full of the antiseptic bureaucratese that specialists recommend to their insomniac patients. The FBI “failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law,” yada, yada, yada. It’s suit-speak for the fact that they made up a possible crime to keep Trump out of office, and then when that didn’t work, they kept digging in order to hamstring him and ultimately drive him out of office.  

It took Durham four years. He got the goods, but, as la Clinton herself might put it, “what difference at this point does it make?” Let’s move on, Kemo Sabe. There’s nothing to see here and besides the wench is dead.

Sure, there are folks who are steamed and issuing very strong statements. For example, Senator Marco Rubio, vice chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, issued a blistering condemnation. “The Durham Report,” he noted,  “details serious and unforgivable breaches by federal law enforcement.” Yep, it does. And not only that. “Relying on altered documents and partisan opposition research is an extreme abuse of power,” Rubio wrote. Indeed. And what’s more, “there is no justification for using national security tools designed to keep America safe for partisan political gain.” But here’s the kicker: “Those responsible need to be held accountable, not just for meddling in the presidential election but also for the damage done to our institutions.” 

Yet what do you suppose are the chances that “those responsible” will be “held accountable?” “Those responsible” include James Comey, former head of the FBI; John Brennan, former head of the CIA; James Clapper, former director of national intelligence; as well as scads of deep-state minnows including Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Kevin Clinesmith and Michael Sussmann. And let’s not forget Hillary Clinton herself, amnesiac G-Man Robert Mueller and the kitchen cabinet of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Susan Rice and some of the aforementioned big wigs who gathered at the White House on January 5, 2017, mere days before Trump took office, in order to figure out how to make sure that in taking office he wouldn’t also take power. 

It was a sprawling and, in a ghastly way, an impressive conspiracy, involving not only only the police power of the state but also the state’s propaganda apparatus, aka the media, social and otherwise. The long-waited Durham report shows this whole anti-Trump caper really was the “biggest political scandal in US history.” Someone won the presidency whom the Deep State, prominently including members of the outgoing administration, did not like. Therefore, they plotted to take him out.

The moral is that democracy is all well and good, but only so long as the voters select a candidate we approve of. Somehow, Donald Trump was elected without the permission — indeed, over the strenuous objections — of the permanent bureaucracy. The whole Trump-Russia narrative was concocted to correct that mistake.

At the end of the day, the Durham report contains few real revelations. Anyone who has been paying attention already knew most of what he details. But it does dot some I’s and cross some T’s. And what will happen now? People will pore over the the report and shake their heads and cluck their tongues. James Comey will be busy cashing his royalty checks and nattering on about his “higher loyalty.” Barack Obama will continue to enjoy his palatial residence on Martha’s Vineyard. Perhaps Joe Biden will be pushed into an adult nursery somewhere so that Michelle Obama can continue the legacy. 

Will “those responsible” be “held accountable?” If you think the answer is yes, then I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you. 

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