Trump supporters never stood a chance

Has anyone on the left heard of ‘magnanimity’?

Supporters of President Donald Trump walk and pray around the Pennsylvania State Capitol (Getty Images)

There are times, living in this here dump, when I doubt if anyone’s heard of the word magnanimity. By the looks of it, no one in left-wing media circles has ever come across it. That egregious Amanpour woman compared Trump’s administration to Nazism on CNN after the election, which reminds me: during my dinner’s drunken aftermath, I noticed a man in my house. He hardly even bothered to greet me, the host. It was one James Rubin, a vulgar American who is — or was — married to that rather unattractive British-Iranian Amanpour. I never did find out who invited that bum to my house, but someone obviously did.

But back to magnanimity — or rather the lack of it — on display after Biden’s extremely narrow win. The idea put forth by the Bagel Times, the Washington Post and CNN — the three major sinners — that nothing has changed in this country since the 1960s as far as race is concerned is so patently absurd, it rivals the left’s claim that the 73 million who voted for The Donald are all white supremacists. Although Biden has, to his credit, made the right noises, the Trump-hating media seek revenge, which in turn splits the country still further.

I don’t wish to soil these here elegant pages by naming the American hacks who write such rubbish. Suffice it to say they’re one and the same as the man caught masturbating during an editorial meeting of the New Yorker magazine. One such low-life writes that the long-running class and culture wars in America are between the coastal elites and the aggrieved who resent and despise them. Not surprisingly, that is exactly right but the wrong way around: it is the bicoastal elites who look down on, condescend to and detest those working-class suckers who believe in their country, their church and their traditions.

Furthermore, although it is now clear that voting by post did for Biden what Chicago’s Mayor Daley did for JFK back in 1960, a clown who used to review plays for the Bagel Times writes in some rag that discrimination on the basis of race helped Florida go for Trump. (How do they think these things up?) They have no shame, and uniting the country is the last thing on their minds.

All this follows a pattern, starting with what’s taught in America nowadays. Any speech that lefties dislike constitutes violence. But when violence is directed against those expressing these prohibited opinions, it is free expression. Where in hell is Kafka when we need him? The left-wing media follows this lead, insisting that left-wing riots are peaceful protests, as when a Bagel Times columnist went to Portland during a bloody riot and demanded to know: ‘What riot?’

And yet magnanimity in victory is very important, and we have Versailles in 1919 to thank for showing us that. Imagine the millions who would not have died, and the additional millions who would not have suffered, had that buffoon Woodrow Wilson and the fat Clemenceau not insisted on punishing the Germans. Never mind, we’ll just have to get used to the fact that we are bigoted, greedy and somewhat stupid white people and just get on with it as the Bidenites take over and re-invent America and the world.

History is always being rewritten by those who stand to benefit from the rewrite, and the Founding Fathers are the latest cancellations. In a way, these cancelers remind me of the most violent English Puritans who desecrated medieval churches. The rage against the founders of the Republic leads me to believe there is money to be made, and it’s called reparations. The French used to say ‘Cherchez la femme’ after a mysterious disappearance. In America today it is: ‘Look for the moolah.’

At yet another dinner on Saturday in Brooklyn, I found myself surrounded by five virulent anti-Trumpists. My only asset was that I had brought the wine, and threatened to leave with it unless they quieted down. But if friends can be as intolerant as they were that night, it is not surprising that team Trump was stymied from the start by the deep state. Obstructive probes, manufactured scandals and the Russian collusion hoax dominated the news from day one. We backwoods yahoos who backed The Donald never stood a chance. I remember sitting on my sailing boat and being harangued to death by Bob Geldof because I liked Trump.

So what is to be done? Smile and take it, I guess, although that’s not my style. These leftists are destroying this country by rewriting history, just as Lenin did in Russia and Mao in China. You rewrite the past, brainwash the young and demonize religion and faith, and presto. Not that Uncle Sam is about to become another Russia or China. Not right away, anyway. But when institutions such as mainstream media, entertainment, higher education and major corporations go along with Bernie Sanders’s type of crap, sooner rather than later the country will go that way.

The culture war is total war, and we on the right are doing nothing to win it. The best news I’ve had in a long time is that Jeremy Clarke was for Trump. Vive, Jeremy!

This article was originally published in The Spectator’s January 2021 US edition. 

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