Biden catches Covid at the worst possible time

Inevitably conspiracy theories are sprouting across the internet


Talk about timing. Joe Biden has caught Covid, the White House has announced. The president, who was touring Las Vegas, “is experiencing mild symptoms,” press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement. Biden “will be returning to Delaware where he will self-isolate and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time.” Biden has been vaccinated and boosted against Covid, Jean-Pierre added. 

Will Donald Trump call Joe Biden to wish him well?

In the twenty-one days since the now infamous debate with Donald Trump, Biden has kept a busy schedule. He has tried and largely failed to allay public concerns about his health. This latest news will not help. Even if his Covid experience is a mild one, as is highly likely, for Biden to become sick at this crucial stage of the election compounds the impression of him as weak. 

Coming just after Donald Trump’s astonishing escape from death last weekend, and in the middle of the Republican National Convention, it seems almost comically unfortunate. 

Will Donald Trump call Joe Biden to wish him well? Biden rang Trump after the shooting in Pennsylvania — the latter said the former “couldn’t have been nicer.” The outbreak of civility between these two men, who loathe each other, could continue. Or maybe Donald Trump will use his campaign speech to offer best wishes? Or will he tease Biden’s bad luck and talk about how he has Covid? We don’t know. 

Inevitably conspiracy theories are sprouting across the internet. Is the Covid diagnosis just an excuse for Biden to spend several days hidden away from public view? Is he actually dying? Malicious gossip travels fast. 

Again, though, the timing does seem fateful. Last night, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi’s congressional protege, came out and called for Biden to withdraw from the presidential election. He becomes the twenty-third Democrat in Congress to do so, yet his intervention does seem particularly inauspicious for Biden. His presidency appears increasingly unsustainable. 

This diagnosis of Covid, however mild, could be the final straw. Will it provide an excuse finally for Biden to bow out and let a younger, fitter man or woman lead the campaign? Many Democrats, while wishing Biden well, will be hoping the answer to that question is yes. 

This article was originally published on The Spectator’s UK website.

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