After ditching their senior, Democrats now think Trump is too old

‘Trump, a seventy-eight-year-old with a history of heart disease and obesity…’

old donald trump

After being gaslit into believing President Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities were up to par, some are licking their wounds by questioning the mental fitness and age of former president Donald Trump. Now that Biden is out of the race, Donald Trump is the oldest presidential nominee in US history.

“Trump, a seventy-eight-year-old with a history of heart disease and obesity, according to experts, has not shared any updated bloodwork results or other specific information during this campaign to help experts assess his ongoing medical risks,” Cockburn read Monday in the Washington Post.

Think of it — an obese president! Cue the fat shamers.

Regardless of separate health concerns — which, Cockburn will note cannot exceed the size of William Howard Taft or the seriousness of FDR’s polio — the American people may be genuinely concerned about Trump’s age. A Washington Post-ABC News-Ipsos poll found that 60 percent of Americans said Trump is too old for another term as president. The poll was conducted before the Republican National Convention.

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow said that the “old man in the race” is now Trump. “Seventy-eight years old and only occasionally coherent, with a record as president that is viewed by historians as the worst in the history of the country,” Maddow said.

“The man is nearly eighty years old and so the question is, can he serve another four years? I’m not sure he can,” former representative Bakari Sellers, a Democrat, told CNN.

“Donald Trump is too old to be president,” Democratic representative Casey Weinstein posted on X.

Even former Republican governor Nikki Haley said back in January: “The first party to retire its eighty-year-old candidate is going to be the party that wins this election.”

People may be concerned about Trump’s age. But it is certain, according to a poll conducted by Pew Research Center in April, that voters are far more concerned about Trump acting unethically in office than they are about his age. 

For being such a threat to democracy, Cockburn finds it comical for Trump to be “only occasionally coherent.” Perhaps Democrats are concerned the whole “threat to democracy” pitch will not be enough.

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