Don’t be fooled by Tim Walz’s blandness

He is a certifiable left-winger

tim walz
Minnesota governor Tim Walz (Getty)

OK, it’s August 6, the anniversary of the detonation of Little Boy over the city of Hiroshima in 1945. That marked the end of World War Two. (I know, it took one more bomb and a little more time, but August 6 was the gang plank to the signing of the act of surrender aboard the Missouri.) 

Fast forward to August 6, 2024. As of 9:25 ante meridiem there have been no huge detonations. True, the market has yet to open. If we have a repeat of yesterday cautious folk will lock windows on the upper stories in the buildings where the financial experts congregate.

But we do have a little whimper of news, a tiny pssst of a political crepitation. Kamala Harris has just chosen Tim Walz, tapioca progressive and governor of Minnesota as her running mate. Of course, what I mean by Harris has “chosen” is that the Committee that just installed her as the Democratic nominee, and that governs us, has chosen. 

Don’t let Walz’s blandness fool you. He is a certifiable (and, yes, I am cognizant of the aura of equivocation surrounding “certifiable”) left-winger. His biggest achievement seems to have been dipping his hands into taxpayers’ pockets to pay for breakfasts for schoolchildren “regardless of income.” His dazzling record otherwise includes dragging his feet on deploying the National Guard after the George Floyd riots alongside progressive priorities such as enshrining the right to gender-transition minors.

Harris chose Walz in order to bolster her standing in the Midwest. Will that work? It depends how long the “don’t-pay-any-attention-to-the-man-behind-the-curtain” show continues. The Dems can claim to have won within the margin of fraud in 2020 only because they were able to keep Biden out of the public eye. Will they be able to do the same with Harris? The jury is still out. They are trying mightily.

In the meantime, it is worth noting that the the Committee passed over the strongest candidate, Josh Shapiro ostensibly because, being Jewish and a supporter of the IDF, he would have angered the Dems’ Islamist flank. 

Meanwhile, embarrassing, not to say disqualifying, video clips of Harris accumulate. Expect the euphoria about her to last another two to three weeks. After that, the question will be whether the American people will put up with having Harris appointed president by acclamation or whether, like the chap on Network, they are going to rise up as one and say, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.” To date, Americans on the right have been rather more ovine than angry, but a committed, though moronic, socialist like Harris might just push them over the edge. We had better hope that that is the case.

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