Get rid of masks on planes

There isn’t a single study with a control group that shows they work. Follow the science!


Officials at the Transportation Security Administration are telling media outlets that their agency is poised to extend mask wearing on airplanes for another month while they await guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Like everything else, through the length of the pandemic, this move lacks logic.

The idea that a piece of cloth will protect you while you sit sandwiched between 200 other passengers inches away from you is an idea only our incompetent and compromised CDC could invent.

Then, a short while into your flight, all of the passengers remove their magic cloth covering and eat and drink, spitting their particles into the air to travel about the cabin. They then diligently replace their talismanic mask, content in the idea that they are staying “safe.”

It’s maddening how little sense any of it makes. We’re two years into the pandemic and we have to face reality, even if the CDC wants to stand in the way of that. Masks don’t work. There has not been a single study, with a control group, that proves otherwise. This should be damning to the pro-mask argument but the CDC continues to deceive Americans. Last month they put out a graphic allegedly proving masks work. The graphic was actually based on phone surveys where people would self-report on what kind of mask they wear and how often and whether they have gotten Covid. Even with this completely non-scientific poll, cloth masks were found to have no effect. The cloth mask was marked “not statistically significant,” as if the other self-reported wearing of masks was somehow statistically significant.

There’s a reason the CDC conducts these nonsense phone surveys instead of actual studies, with a control group, about the effectiveness of masking. They know that masking has become a moral question and not a scientific one. Are you a good person? Do you care about other people? Mask up, even if it doesn’t have any effect on the spread of the virus. If they ran a masking study with a control group who did not mask, they’d find what we’ve always known: masks do not work for viral spread. They never have and they never will.

Airlines have to fight back. They must be losing money, at minimum from families with small kids who can’t tolerate a face covering and so are not traveling. When a two-year-old has been yanked off an airplane for not complying with masking, that only happens in America and it only happens because our CDC is demented enough to recommend masking toddlers. Not a single other health agency in the world does this. It’s long past the time to stop listening to them and move on toward normalcy.

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