Jennifer Lawrence’s Tucker Carlson nightmares

The limousine liberal described how she was trying to repair rifts with her family who voted for Trump

jennifer lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence (Getty)

Quirky actress Jennifer Lawrence has come clean about her fears in a new interview with Vogue. Spiders, you ask? Heights? No. J-Law claimed that what keeps her up at night is… Tucker Carlson.

Cockburn’s thoughts drifted back to the height of Lawrence’s fame and realized that claims like this are nothing new for the sanctimonious Hollywood sweetheart. After all, here we have a woman that for years was synonymous with cringe. Striding up and down the red-carpet telling interviewers how hungry she was and demolishing pizza at the Academy Awards. Every OTT gesture screamed “relate to me, women of America!”

It was inevitable that her obsession with coming across as ~subversive~ would drip downstream into politics. In the Vogue interview, instead of simply disagreeing with Carlson, she was compelled to emphasize that he literally keeps her up at night. She tells her interviewer she had “discussed with her therapist the recurring nightmares she has about Tucker Carlson.” Cockburn is glad to hear she’s getting the help she so clearly needs.

She added: “I’ve tried to get over it and I really can’t. I can’t. I’m sorry I’m just unleashing, but I can’t fuck with people who aren’t political anymore. You live in the United States of America. You have to be political. It’s too dire. Politics are killing people.”

The limousine liberal described how she was trying to repair rifts with her family for how they voted in the 2016 election. She spoke about how she’s “worked so hard in the last five years to forgive my dad and my family” adding that she’s “tried to understand. “It’s different,” she said, “the information they are getting is different. Their life is different.” At least Hollywood dramatics come in good for one thing.

It’s funny that it’s Tucker Carlson giving J-Law the creeps, considering her previous close relationship with former film producer and current convicted sex offender Harvey Weinstein. One tweeter had a salient point, saying, “Another tone deaf celebrity. Don’t worry, JLaw, while you cry about Tucker Carlson, the real world is concerned about things like paying their rent or feeding their families. All of Hollyweird needs to be boycotted.”

Cockburn thinks Lawrence’s statements are bold statement for someone who in the same breath admitted to voting Republican in 2008 — adding that her whole life she asked herself why her taxes should pay for the “haughty lifestyles” of others.

Maybe J-Law should return to her Hunger Games roots, give up her patronizing utilitarianism and retreat to her $8 million, 5,500-square-foot pad,

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