Tucker Carlson grills Kanye West

‘When they see my disposition in this interview, it’s going to get scary’

(Fox News/YouTube)

Tucker Carlson has tackled a question that has long puzzled Cockburn: is Kanye West crazy?

Ye has had his fair share of controversial moments: he appeared on a 2006 cover of Rolling Stone mimicking Jesus Christ with a crown of thorns. He infamously stormed the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards stage to tell Taylor Swift she didn’t deserve her award. For the past couple years, he’s been battling ex-wife Kim Kardashian and her family, during which time he also became religious, started hosting Sunday Services and bought a ranch in Cody, Wyoming, which he tried to sell but then took off the market. Most recently, Ye incited establishment ire by wearing a “White Lives Matter” T-shirt alongside conservative firebrand buddy Candace Owens at Paris Fashion Week.

Headlines about Ye are rarely flattering. The media portrays him as unhinged and has tried to write off his behavior as due to mental illness. Ye addressed this stigma with Carlson, saying, “when they see my disposition in this interview, it’s going to get scary.”

Cockburn has admittedly been taken in by the mainstream media’s depiction of Ye and was curious about how he would express himself to Carlson. Right out of the gate, Ye drew in the Fox News viewers by explaining that the lanyard he was still wearing from Fashion Week showed the image of a baby’s ultrasound. He designed this to demonstrate his pro-life stance.

Throughout the interview, Ye had the tendency to wander at times (as we all might). He often gave lengthy answers to short questions — and apologized for it. But in doing so, Ye revealed that he has thought a lot about his positions and arrived at his opinions with a wide-angle view of history, politics and other influences. He reflected, for instance, on Margaret Sanger’s promotion of eugenics and how abortion disproportionately harms the black community.

Ye’s view of society, especially as it pertains to black Americans, is insightful, and his perspective as someone who’s been up close and personal with the powerful liberal elite is fascinating. He went into detail about how the Clintons, Anna Wintour and other well-connected celebrities influence other famous people (including Kim Kardashian) by “telling them what to be afraid of” and dictating what they’re allowed to say. He even went so far as to label the left-wing mob as “demonic,” using as an example their professed support of his friend Lizzo’s obesity.

Ye is unapologetic in his belief that he’s a warrior for God in a conflict with the media. He considers himself, as Ye’s dad told him, “just a black man stating the obvious.”

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