‘In 2010, the smart people were either thrilled or alarmed by the prospect of an “emerging Democratic majority”, created by high immigration, de-industrialization and college education. Ten years on, influential magazines are still warning Republicans to play nice with a newly diverse electorate or go the way of the Whigs.’
Art January 1, 2020
Bruckheimer may think that the Oedipus Complex is a Greek shopping mall, but the set-ups of Bad Boys and Top Gun are classical
Art January 1, 2020
People react differently to different things, and hooray for that
Books January 1, 2020
A visit to the Gladstone Library has the welcome effect of removing you from the worries and concerns of the world
Art January 1, 2020
De Niro should live up to his movie characters and stop his knee-jerk dissing of Donald Trump
Art January 1, 2020
The contemporary artist doesn’t expect to have to suffer for what he calls his art. Away with the garret!
Books January 1, 2020
What other heroine in a 19th-century novel strangles her sister’s canary as a girl?
Books January 1, 2020
How to Be a Dictator: The Cult of Personality in the Twentieth Century by Frank Dikötter reviewed
Art January 1, 2020
Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan is now a politically correct pantywaist
Books January 1, 2020
The Music of Time: Poetry in the Twentieth Century by John Burnside reviewed