October 2019

‘Our contributors are chosen for originality and sense of style, not political affiliation. It’s not The Spectator’s job to tell people how to think: we want to entertain and challenge readers.’

Faith October 1, 2019

Puritanism is back…and welcome to it

Martyrdom has become ‘inclusive’

P.J. O’Rourke

Home October 1, 2019

I am a part of Batavia, New York

My friend Henry W. Clune used to say that all he ever really wanted was to appear considerable in the eyes of his hometown

Bill Kauffman

Media October 1, 2019

Good morning, America

We dare to believe that we offer something that is lacking in journalism on both sides of the Atlantic

Spectator Editorial

Home October 1, 2019

The mysterious ways of the French

Everything in this country is as strange to me today as it was five years ago

Jeremy Clarke

Home October 1, 2019

A vacation in Greenland

For a country where people cling to the edges of a vast land mass, local identity seems important

Robert Chote